Well, it´s been a rough week. My new companion, Hermana Cerna, is driving me a little crazy. She really is a good missionary, and I do love her, but sometimes we just clash a little bit. Maybe I´m just having "seperation anxiety" from Hna. Jarvis, but I really do wish it was her here with me still. But the Lord knows best I guess right? Someday I´ll figure it out. I don´t know why we´re together, but he does, and I trust him.
We also may have lost our baptisms. They came to church yesterday and it was amazing! We had fast sunday yesterday so there were some awesome testimonies that were born and they all just loved it, but apparently the dad doesn´t want them to get baptized. It´s hard because he literally works all day every day and comes home just to sleep and then goes back to work so we´ve never met him and haven´t been able to teach him anything, but we´re going to fast this weekend, so hopefully a miracle will happen and he will change his heart. I love this family and all three of them have very strong feelings for getting baptized, I just hope the dad can see that and let them do it. They´re so ready and they need it. We´ll see, hopefully I can tell you otherwise next week.
We did have one miracle happen though. Hna Jarvis and I were in a locutorio a week or so ago and we had a woman come up to us and tell us that she was a member but had been inactive for a long time. She asked for our card and then told us she would call us and then left. I honestly wasn´t sure that she would call us, but the other day she called and asked about church and she showed us for sacrament meeting yesterday! She´s so cool! I think she said she´s been inactive for 19 years and then all the sudden she just decides to come to church one day. Wow. Her name is Viki. She´s just awesome, and so sweet too! Man, I really do just love the people here. They make the hard things a little easier. I really do feel an honest love for them. Though some things may not being going well, there are some awesome people here that are changing my life, and I hope that I can be a part in changing theirs as well.
Well here goes another week. I can´t believe that this one marks 3 months! I know missionaries say this all the time, but I really do feel like it´s gone by so fast, but at the same time, I feel like I´ve been out forever. My last transfer with Hna. Jarvis went so quickly, I hope the next few with Hna. Cerna will be the same.
I love you all! I know you´re doing great things at home and I hope that you are feeling the love of your Savior. I can promise you that He knows you, even by name, that you need only ask and He will share all the blessings he has in store for you. He lives. He will come again soon, that is why I am here. To share this message and to help prepare the world for his coming. Never doubt that he hears your prayers. Trust in His timing, and search for the good in your life, I promise it´s always there. You´re the best! I couldn´t ask for better friends and family to share my life with.
Hermana Walton
(hermana Jarvis and I with the daughter of a member (Liriel) love her!!!
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