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WALTON / WILDING FAMILY (and friends)!!!!!!!!
Ok so it´s not really looking like christmas here at all. The only thing are the lights they have strung up above the streets, that´s about it. And they haven´t even turned them on yet, how sad! But I will definitely take a picture and send it to you when they´re on. And although it may not be cold enough to snow, it´s still pretty dang cold, especially when you have to walk around in a skirt all day. Those dang elders have an easier life, haha. Well, not always, but in this matter, yes.
So miracle time. We didn´t have anything to do on saturday night (weekends are really hard here in spain) so we decided to call a bunch of futures we had that we hadn´t contacted yet hoping that something would come from it. We called one lady, her name is Carmen, and asked if we could pass by the next week. She said the only days that work for her are saturday and sunday, so we said ok and invited her to church the next day (yesterday) and she said yes. We honestly didn´t expect her to show up to church, but the next thing I knew, I was sitting in sacrament meeting and a member came up to me and told me there was someone in the foyer looking for the sister missionaries! She actually came! She´s so sweet too! I loved meeting her and I´m so excited to start teaching her! I don´t want to get my hopes up too much, but I really am so grateful that we found her. Well, the elders found her, but we get to reap the benefits :)
So thanksgiving, that was strange. For lunch we ate kebab at the church with the elders. That was a little different, haha, but it was fun! The elders here are awesome. We got lots of new elders this transfer too. All of the companionships of elders changed, so we got 4 new elders. 2 are greeenies, one has been out for a while, and the other is elder allen. It´s kind of strange because he was my FHE dad in my provo ward last year. It´s fun to have another friendly face here. He´s a nice guy.
The day after thanksgiving we went to an investigators house and they made us fritos (the recipe that I sent you a while back that´re kind of like deep fried dough and cheese) and lots of other good stuff. So we had an after thanksgiving "dessert" kind of thing (attached picture). There was a member there too. I love her to death! Her name is Zora. She´s so much fun and is such a big help to us. We also had an eating cita yesterday after church with some members that was so much fun! We had burritos! Haha, they were delicious! I also had my first turrón. It´s so good! The kind we had was made of almonds. It actually tasted a lot like sweetend almond butter, chunky of course. It´s pretty delicious stuff.
Well that´s all I have time for today. I love you all! I hope everything is good and that you are feeling the blessings from your sacrifice of letting me be here as well. I love you I love you I love you!
Hermana Walton
PS to all my friends out there reading this, I´d love some letters! I love getting letters from mommy every week, but I´d love to hear from other people too.

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