I´m Going to Portugal!!!

11:39 am (3 days ago)
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Alright, so I´m not going to Portugal, but it´s about as close as you can get. I´ve been transferred to Badajoz!!! I´m super excited too! So I´ll probably pick up a little portugese, it´ll definitely still be spanish because i´m still in Spain, but I´m sure I´ll learn some portugese words too. My new companion is Hermana Muse, and she was actually here in Murcia with hna jarvis right before I came here, so I´ve heard lots about her and met her very briefly once. I´m super excited though! After 4 months here in Murcia, I´ve made some awesome friends and met and taught some incredible people that will be so hard to leave, but I´m also ready to have something new. Plus 4 months in a area is a good amount of time. Not too much, not too little, so it´s probably better that I leave before I get sick of it, haha.
So let´s see...oh!!! Happy 2014 everyone!!! Isn´t that crazy? I feel like that came super fast. We had a lot of fun. We went to the capilla first and hung out with some of the members there. Then we went out to be a part of the spanish new year! It was super fun. We went to a big plaza and they do this thing where instead of the ball dropping thing they all watch the clock tower in Madrid and when the clock chimes 12, you eat a grape for every chime. So every chime you eat a grape and it represent good luck and prosperity for the 12 months of the year...I think. But it was super fun! Then there was a live band playing after. We stayed for a minute and listened to the worldly music that we actually do miss every once in a while, and then it was time for us to leave and head home.
We also had a really big zone conference this week with 2 other zones. We had a normal zone conference for the morning and President talked and Hna Deere and the APs and then we had a lunch break. My stake president made us all paella! He´s incredible, and makes us paella all the time, and it is some dang good paella too. Then we had a talent show after lunch. There are some incredibly talented missionaries here, and some super funny ones too. I also got to see Hna Jarvis which was so much fun! We sang together for the talent show, we sang Part of Your World. I forgot how much I´ve missed her. She´s just the best. And then we took advantage of the little time she had before they had to catch a bus and went and visited some of the people we taught together. And then they missed their bus...so she stayed the night! Haha, that was so nice for me. To see her and have a break from a lot of stuff. It was so fun.
We also had some mini missionaries with us this week. It´s been interesting. It´s kind of been a tender mercy to help me get through the last little while I have here, but it´s been tough too. The planning and all that has surprisingly easy, we haven´t run out of thing to do, but it´s hard to be with them and my comp all at the same time. Sometime I´ve felt like it was the 3 south americans who can speak and have fun, and then that american girl over there. Haha. Oh man, language barriers, they don´t help with a lot of things. There are other reasons too, but ya know, whatever. We have tomorrow morning and then they´re going home so I´m not worried about it. And then I only have tomorrow night and then I´m gone!!!! Man that´s crazy! But I´m so excited, I can´t say it enough, I´m just SO EXCITED!!!!!
So last night and today was yet another holiday here in Spain. I really am convinced they make up holidays just to get days off of work. Today is Dia de los Reyes, which is to celebrate the 3 wise men coming, this is the day that the spanish kids get their gifts. They usually get something from santa too, but they get more from the wise men.
Today was a fun p-day. We went to the capilla and played fútbol with the elders and some members for a little while and then we went to go find some food. After going to 3 different places (that were no where near each other) and finding that there were way too many people in all of them, we finally found a good place to eat. We went to a place called a wok. It´s like a chinese buffet. And they have one of those things where you can pick all your veggies and meat and seafood and they´ll cook it all together for you. It was super good. And they had sushi too!!!! I mean it wasn´t the best sushi and it was a little dry because it´s a buffet and they only used cooked fish and veggies, but it was a good little taste to remind me.
Well, I honestly can´t think of what else happened this week, so I´ll end here. And sorry no pictures again this week, I don´t have my camera with me again. But I love you all and hope that everything is going well. Good luck with the moving of wards and all that. Don´t worry about me. I´m doing good! And I know that all the trials that I´ve had, I´m having and I will have are here only to help me grow. Some one sent me a quote, I can´t remember who, but it said that although sometimes we feel like we are straying from the Lord because of our weaknesses, it may very well mean that we are coming closer unto the Lord and allowing him to show us our weakness. I sure hope that´s what´s happening to me. I know that one day I will be ther missionary I hope to someday be, and the person that He wants me to be. I love you! Thank you for being my family and my friends. You are the greatest blessing in my life. I´ll talk to you next week from almost Portugal, haha.
Hermana Walton
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