Hello from.....SEVILLA!!!!!!
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7:14 AM (3 hours ago)
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Hey there! So I´m in Sevilla today (Seville for all you gringos out there)! It´s a huge city on the southwestern side of Spain. It´s a pretty cool, old city, but a little too hot for me. Anyway, we have a huge tri-zone conference with President Deere here tomorrow that starts at 10 in the morning. So we would have to come down a day early, and we finally just decided we might as well come down and spend pday here and then go on splits with the hermanas here. So that´s the plan! We´re really excited for the conference tomorrow. When you´re little lonesome missionaries who sit out in the middle of nowhere without other missionary contact, it´s really fun, more fun than usual, to go hang out with other missionaries! Plus I´m getting to the point where I know a lot of the missionaries and some of the one I´ve served with before will be there so it´ll be fun to see them too.
Honestly, it was kind of a slow week. We had a lot of citas fire on us and we ended up spending a lot of time walking around and knocking doors of futures that we had. In fact, that´s what we spent all of Wednesday morning doing. So we had a 3 hour chunk of time and we had no set citas (they´re really hard to find for the mornings). So we went through our huge list of futures that the elders left us and we set a whole bunch of plans. We wanted to keep track of how many doors we knocked and by the end of 3 hours we had hit 25. Whole bunch of people either not home, or not wanting to talk to us, haha, sometimes we really aren´t sure. We did have 2 people say we could come back, so that´s good! We haven´t gotten in contact with one of them again, and the other one we have a cita with this week, so we´re hoping for the best, but we´ll see.
Honestly, that´s kind of the most exciting thing we did this week. Haha. We got ice cream one day...and we had an eating cita where we had some really good BBQ...and we had a ward activity where we watched the Work and the Glory movie and we had to make a boat load of brownies (if you want something from spaniards, you literally just have to tell them you´ll make them brownies and they´re all over it).
Haha, oh man, sorry it´s kind of an uneventful week. Hopefully next week will be a little better.
So today for pday we are most likely going to a place called the Plaza de España. It´s a huge castle ish thing and a huge plaza with a "tile" or each of the cities in Spain. It´s pretty cool. And! They filmed a part of Star Wars there! Cool huh? I think it´s the part where Anikon and Patimay are walking around a cool old place in the 3rd one. Haha, good description, I know. Sorry, but you can google it.
Well, let´s see...what else can I tell you so that this isn´t an absolutely boring email...well...it´s the last week of the transfer! I will have officially completed 6 transfers in the mission with 6 and a little bit more to go. It´ll be sad to say goodbye to Hna Muse. I love her to death! And I think it is in great part to her that I am becoming the missionary that I am, but I also think it will be good for me to get a new companion and pick up a little bit more of the responsibility in the area. I´ll let you know what´s going on next week. We´ll see how it goes. I´m not sure what´s going to happen, well that´s kind of not true. She´ll leave, I´ll get a new comp and we´ll keep working like nothing happened, but I have no idea if my comp will be older than me, if she´ll be younger, if President will ask me to train. I have no idea, we´ll see. I´ll let you know all about it next week!
So I guess I´ll just end with my testimony so that you have some spiritualness to this email too. And to through in a little of my life, I´ll share it in spanish. Maybe Luke can translate for you, or you can use google translate or something, haha. Pero espero que entiendas la importancia de este evangelio. He encontrado la verdad en mi vida, y es aquí. No, la iglesia no es perfecta (por lo menos las personas no son), pero el evangelio, si. Hemos tenido este gran oportunidad a ser miembros de esta iglesia, a tener la plenitud en nuestros vidas, a disfrutar de todos los bendiciones que nos trae. Que maravilloso. No sé porque fui elegido a ser una de las personas que tienen estas bendiciones, pero espero que pueda vivir una vida digna de ella. Solamente quiero deciros que yo sé que esta es la iglesia verdadera y restaurada en la tierra. Tenemos un Padre Celestial y él nos ama tanto. Tenemos evidencia de eso en cada momento del día. Él envió su hijo para que podamos volver a vivir allí con él. Yo sé que tenemos profetas quien tiene la autoridad y poder para dirigir la iglesia y para ayudarnos a encontrar la felicidad en esta vida. Familia, el camino es fácil, solo tenemos que seguir en las cosas que sepamos son verdaderos.
Os quiero con todo mi corazón y espero que tengáis un buen semana! Hablaremos la proxima semana!
Hermana Walton
PS I´ll send you pictures of Sevilla next week!