Best Week in Badajoz!
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Wow, hey everyone! So we had a really good week this week. Yet another week of miracles. I know it maybe shouldn´t feel like that anymore, but I´m still amazed at how much Heavenly Father does for us, even when we really may not deserve it.
I´m going to give you a play by play of the days again so that I don´t forget anything.
So monday night we went to that testigo´s house for a lesson. Haha, oh man. We didn´t get killed or anything, we definitely held our own. But I can tell you one thing, the spirit definitely wasn´t there. And eveything they teach is so contradictory. It doesn´t make sense to me at all. Anyway, then we went to our Branch President´s house and had a noche de hogar (FHE) with them and with a recent convert. We had fun. As crazy as the President and his wife are, I love them to death. They´re super fun.
Tuesday we went to Cáceres for our district meeting and then came back and went to the President´s house again this time for a cita with a new investigator. She´s awesome! Her name is Karín and she´s from Mexico. She´s 21 and we´re way excited to be able to teach her. She´s only here for a few months studying and then she´s going back to mexico. She recieved the lessons from the missionaries before, but then they took elders out of where she lived and the missionaries never came back to visit her. So we´re way excited and we can definitely see a good future with her. Then we had english class with those little kids we teach and then a cita with Carla (the one who speaks 5 languages) but we did it in a member´s house this time and it went so much better! Things actually went well! We´re still working on getting her a new job, but after 10 years of receiving the missionaries, everyone says she´s the closest to getting baptized now than she´s ever been. So we´ll see how that goes too. Then that night the SHE´s (super hermana entrenadoras - sister training leaders) came for splits the next day. That was a great blessing! We usually have one come to your area and then one of us goes to their area, but this time they both came here and we went on splits in our area.
So wednesday we had splits with them. I was with Hermana Anderson. She´s great! We had a cita that morning with Raul, the miracle guy that called us last sunday. Haha, oh man. Yeah he´s a little crazy, so he actually dropped us, but after that cita we wouldn´t have continued teaching him anyway. He´s a very interesting person. He told us that he would call us again when he thinks the world is close to ending, or in his mind, when the robots start taking over the world. Then we went back for medio dia and ate some lunch and then went out again for that. We had a cita that night with a new investigator named Armando. He´s incredible! He´s from Uruguay and he lives here alone and his family is back in Uruguay still. He´s just so cool though! I don´t even know how to explain it, but he´s such a cool guy. We were at his house for a while, and then we went to do some other things we had planned, but everything fell through on us.
Thursday we had weekly planning and then we went to a member´s house later that night to teach her how to make american chocolate chip cookies. She´s so cool! Her name is Flor Splorador (coolest name ever!) and she´s from Brazil. I just love her to death! We had so much fun! And then we had english class that night, but no one came. Yeah...those are always fun nights.
Friday we had an activity with the branch for this crazy holiday called carnivals. Basically it´s kind of like mardi gras and halloween mixed together. It´s a 4 day festival where everyone (especially the young adults) gets dressed up in weird costumes and they are just outside all the time. During the day every once in a while they have a parade, and then at night they do this thing calles Botellón where they basically just get drunk. Haha, oh Spain. That´s really all I can say. Anyway, we went to an activity that night and it was fun. We got to judge the costumes which was cool.
Saturday we spent the morning making brownies for an activity we had sunday night. It´s kind of funny, honestly spaniards go crazy for brownies, haha. Just say there´ll be brownies and you´ve easily just doubled your attendance. Then we went to Armando´s house after that and set a baptismal date with him! Yes, he´s getting baptized! We´re so excited! The 22nd of this month! He´s incredible! We taught lesson 1, the restauration and the spirit was so incredible strong. I really have never felt the spirit more strongly on my mission than when we shared the first vision with him. It was so powerful. It was one of those lessons that reminds you why you came out. There is no doubt in my mind that what we profess to be true is in fact true. There are so many things that just make sense, and the rest, well, the spirit makes up any doubts I´ve ever had.
Sunday we went to church and then had an eating cita with some members. Because of carnivals, a normally 20 minute walk turned into a 50 minute walk each way as we tried to avoid all the extremely awkward men. I don´t think I´ve ever gotten weirder looks or comments. Some people even asked what we were dressed as, I´m pretty sure they thought we were immitating nuns. Then we came back and got ready for the activity we did last night. We had a movie night with the members. We watched the work and the glory and it was way cool! We made a whole bunch of brownies and it was just a lot of fun, and a really successful activity too, especially for a missionary activity. We´re going to watch the second movie on saturday and then the third one later too, but we had so much fun!
Anyway, I´m out of time so I´ll end here. But I love you all and hope to hear from you all next week. Love you lots and have a great week!
Hermana Walton
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