Hermanas In Badajoz
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Feb 17 (7 days ago)
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Hello there! I hope everyone is happy and doing well back there in the US of A. Sometimes it still doesn´t hit me that I´m on a different continent. But yep! It´s true!
Well, let´s just right to the big news for the week. The elders are being taken out of our area. Badajoz will now be an hermana only area. It´s literally just my companion and I here in Badajoz now. It´s a huge change. We´re honestly a little overwhelmed, a little nervous, a little confused, and there´s a tinge of excitement in there too. We´ll definitely miss those elders though too. As much as Hna Muse and I love each other, to not have anyone else within a 2 hour radius is a big change, and we´re just hoping we don´t get too sick of each other out here. Haha. Anyway, the Elders will leave on tuesday night and they will leave us with everything. It´s a little scary. I try not to think about it. When they announced it in Sacrament meeting yesterday, Hna Muse and I just cried like babies in front of all the members because of the mix of all the emotions we had in our hearts. Haha. Plus it didn´t help that the smart one that chose the hymns for the day decided to have us sing God be With You Til We Meet Again as the intermediate hymn. Haha, yeah we cried during that too. Haha, it´ll be an interesting next transfer. Hna Deere (President´s wife) called us to talk about it, and she told us that this change is happening because this transfer we have more missionaries that are going home than are coming into the mission so they have to close a few areas this transfer. I´m hoping that after a while when we get another big wave of missionaries (like in the summer when all the youngins are out of school) that they will bring some more Elders back here. But we´ll see.
Anyway, now that you know all about the bomb that was dropped on us this week, let´s see what else I can tell you about this week. We worked a lot this week on strengthening the relationships we have with the members, so we had a lot of eating citas and spent more time at member´s houses this week. We ate some cool food with these menos activos we´re working with. The dad is from Congo and so we had some way cool African food. We ate fufu which is like this sticky paste of some starchy things, haha, and you eat it with a whole bunch of stuff to give it flavor, We ate it with a kindey bean dish and a rib and spinach dish. It was so good! We were so full afterwards, but it was so good!
Oh! I have to tell you about a skit that we did. We had a ward Valentine´s Day party on friday night and they asked the missionaries to do something for it. So we came up with the idea of a date etiquete skit. It was hilarious! My comp dressed up as a very convincing boy and then she and I went on a "date" where a whole lot of things went wrong. One of the elders was the host and was explaining what was happening the whole time. I got most of it on my camera but them my memory card ran out of space at the end, so I´ll have to send that home and then you can watch it. But it was pretty funny. People seemed to enjoy it and we had fun doing it.
Well honestly I´m not really sure what else to tell you about this week. Oh wait! I forgot to tell you! We got a new investigator this week named Jesús. He´s 29 and spanish. He´s pretty cool. He has cancer, which he´s had for a few years. It´s Hodgkin´s Lymphona, but he seems to be doing pretty well. He´s in Madrid a lot for tests and all that kind of stuff, but we´re really excited about him. We then went to english class after and the girl that was there is friends with him and they talked about the cita that we had and apparently he wants to convert us to Catholicism, haha, not if we convert him first!!! Toma! (haha Luke might have to explain that one) Anyway, we also picked Gladis back up. She hasn´t been working in her new job, so we have a lesson with her again tomorrow.
Alright, now I think I´ve told you everything from the week. Well love you all lots! Have an awesome week! Pray for us and our new adventure here in Badajoz. haha, oh man. Here we go!
Hermana Walton
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