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Wow. Haha. Where do I even begin with this week. It´s funny how missionary life can become so routine, but then when you start to feel like things are maybe a little bit normal, Heavenly Father throws something else at you just to keep us on our toes. Well it was a crazy week filled with miracles and interesting stories and a whole bunch of weird stuff. So let´s get to it!
Monday: We went to Portugal, a little town called Elvas right across the boarder. We went to another castle (they´re everywhere here) and we were standing on the top of a wall that Elder Medina had just jumped down and gotten to the bottom. He was down there hanging around for a while, and the rest of us where just standing at the top. Hermana Muse had found a cute flower she liked and decided she wanted to put it between our phone and the case to press it. So she was taking the phone out of the case, and the next thing we knew, we were watching the phone in slow motion as it fell to the ground, fell off the wall, and then landed on a rock and rolled into a puddle. happened. Haha, we weren´t sure what to do. But thank goodness Elder Medina was down there and saved it in time. And it still works and everything! Haha, not sure how, but it´s a blessing!
Tuesday: Honestly, I don´t really remember what happened that day. Haha, anyway...
Wednesday: We woke up early to go to the train station to say goodbye to the elders. That was weird and hard. They´re great friends and awesome missionaries. Then we got deep into organizing the new area. Getting new maps ready, organizing the area books, getting everything ready so we could just get it all done and then move on. We also met one of the new investigators we picked up from the elders that night. Haha, it´s an interesting story. Her name is Carla. And she´s a...wait for entertainer. Haha, yeah. But she´s awesome. She´s incredibly smart. She speaks almost fluently 5 different languages and is working on a few others. She hates her job and is trying hard to quit, so don´t judge her too hard. She´s honestly incredible. We had a good time with her getting to know her. We´ll see how things progress with her.
Thursday: Weekly Planning day! Oh my took us about 4 hours this week. It was a long one. Then we took some more time to organize the area a little bit. Then we headed out to work a little bit. We basically didn´t get a lot done that day though. Just a lot more organizing and planning for people we haven´t even met yet. Thank goodness it´s the spirit doing the work, not us. Then we had english class after that. I always love that. Especially since the people that come can speak pretty well, so we basically just sit there and talk in english the whole time, it´s kind of nice.
Friday: We had a caqui emergency and went to the nearest fruteria to buy some. It´s incredible stuff, I´ll definitely miss that when I get home. Then we organized yet again (yes, there really was that much to do) and then that night we went out and taught Carmen. The little girl who is getting ready to get baptized (she´s a member). She´s adorable. We always have so much fun with them. That family is one of my favorite families here. They´re awesome!
We began the day normally. We went to a member´s house, he´s awesome too. His name is Antonio. We had fun talking to him and he even gave us a reference that we´re hoping will work out. Then we left his house and went antiguo hunting. We went to find this one street, but there wasn´t a street sign (classic spain) and so we asked someone passing by. He didn´t know either, but he then continued up the road to ask the rest of the neighboorhood if they knew where it was. After everyone on the sidewalk had said that they didn´t know either, we decided to try the street and see what would happen. We knocked on the door and a little girl answered. She told us the person we were looking for didn´t live there anymore. We then introduced ourselves and asked her if we could come by another day to meet her family and share a message. She said yes and then we left, one future richer. After that we started walking to our eating cita. I was walking along just fine, and the next thing I knew, a random curb pops out of the middle of the sidewalk and I tripped over it pretty ungracefully. Haha. As I stood there laughing at myself as that was my second fall this week, the lady behind us seemed genuinely concerned as to if I was ok. I was surprisingly fine, and we started talking to her because she was going the same way we were. She then asked us if we were mormons, to which we said yes, and she told us she was a testigo (Jehovah´s Witness). Haha, oh what was going through our minds after that. Thankfully she was nice and not overly pushy as so many of them can be, and even seemed a little open and curious about our beliefs. When the time came to part ways, we asked if we could pass by her house and talk a little more, she said that would be fine. So we have a cita with her tonight (oh yeah and she´s bringing a friend...aka back-up) so we´ll see how that goes. Haha. After that we went to our eating cita and then taught Gladis. Then we went to a crazy old lady´s house. She´s menos activo because she can´t walk to chruch, and she´s a little crazy. We spent some time with her and then headed back to the center of the city for another lesson with Carla. That was an intersting one. She was really depressed because of financial situations and a whole bunch of stuff that´s been going on in her life that I´m not going to go into detail about. But yeah, things didn´t go so well, especially when she and the father of her children got into a huge fight, twice, in front of us and their kids. We honestly probably should´ve left earlier, but yeah. Things were said between them and a few other things that weren´t the best. But we´re really not sure what to do with her right now. We´re going to give them some room. But we definitely will not be teaching her at home anymore, if we really teach her much anymore. Then we went home kind of in shock and very ready to go to bed.
Sunday: Church of course, then we headed home and we got a really weird phone call. It was a man named Raul. He had just lost his mom that morning and the missionaries had contacted him about a year ago. He remembered the card they gave him and decided to give it a try. He was very insistent on meeting with us. We said at 5 which we thought would be fine. He then tried to get us to bump it up, so we said 4:30 was the earliest we could do because we would have to walk there. So he said ok and we hung up. Then about 20 minutes later he called back and said, ok I´ve got someone who can drive me to where you are, can I come now? And so we said, ok this guys is really serious and so we´ll just go meet him now in the capilla and see what this is all about. So we left right then and got there as soon as we could. We then had a lesson on the plan of salvation and talked to him and got to know him a little bit. At the end of the lesson he told us we had him convinced and he wanted to meet with us again. This is a crazy week with a whole bunch of set lessons already, so we were pretty booked and the only time we could do it was wednesday morning even though he wanted to meet again today. Haha, he was a little different, but he´s a good guy. He didn´t have much religious knowledge which was different for me, but yeah he seems to like what we have to offer him. He even may have said something to the affect of marrying him??? Yeah, that´s not happening, but hey! That makes 3 marriage proposals for me! Then we went home and finally finished all the organizing of the area we had to do. Then we headed out to teach Carmen again and we ate dinner at their house too.
Well yeah, saturday and sunday were some very interesting days of the mission. I finally got some of those crazy stories so tell about. Haha, sometime you really can see Heavenly Father´s sense of humor in our lives. But he´s always there. There were some strange things, some bad things, and some miraculous things, but they all came from Him. I know that. There´s nothing that´s a coincidence. We may never know why some things happen, but that´s ok, because He knows why, and that´s what matters.
We have an awesome week planned this week. We´re going to be busy and probably exhausted by the end, but what´s new. I´m sure there will be some good stories for you all next week too, but thanks for all your support and love. I honestly can´t wait to share these stories with you in person someday, but for now this will have to do. Thanks for your love, you´re the best family ever! I hope everything goes well for you all back home. Love you lots!
Hermana Walton
I forgot about that story, but we had a cool lesson with some menos activos and it was their son´s 16th birthday, his name is José, so we made him a cake to take with us. Sadly, the candle is awkwardly backwards in this picuture...oh well! It was delicious!
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