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Well this week was interesting. Haha, it probably won´t be a very long email because honestly I can´t remember much about what happened. Haha, it was just one of those weeks. Went by really fast, and by the end of it, you wonder what happened and if you really did anything. So let´s see. We had a special training conference with President Deere on tuesday in Sevilla, which means we lost another day to traveling, that´s one of the harder things about this area, we are always traveling! At least once if not twice a week and we lose a lot of time working in our area. It was a good conference, but it´s hard to be traveling for 7 hours in total just for a 3 hour conference.
We did find a cool little hotdog place though. It´s right next to the capilla and it´s like a gourmet hot dog place that people have told us about and that´s supposed to be really good, so we caved one night and bought one on our way home from the capilla. They´re huge! They´re pretty good too, not an I´d eat you everyday good, but they´re pretty good.
We also had to drop one of our fechas this week. Gladis, she told us she wasn´t really ready or wanting to do it right now, so we said ok and we´re going to keep working with her and maybe in the future things´ll work out. We also still haven´t met with Fransisco as he spent yet another week at the dentist´s office, but we´re crossing our fingers for this week. As for Maria, we gave her a challenge to read as much of the book of mormon as she can in one month and try to figure things out. She just doesn´t have a strong enough understanding or testimony of things yet to get baptized. So we´ll see how it goes after this month, if she´ll read and all that kind of stuff. And then after that we´ll see if she´ll either get baptized or we´ll have to drop her as an investigator. It´s rough, but those are kind of really our only two options with her right now. She´s been investigating for 2 years, has had plenty of opportunities to get baptized, has had fechas and everything, she´s just never gone through with it yet, so we´ll see.
We went to Sevilla again saturday night for Stake Conference. We rode down with a member family which was nice, so we didn´t have to pay for it. Then we stayed the night with the hermanas there. They have this little baby piso and we had 7 hermanas staying there that night, it was a little crazy, but we had fun! We made a megabed with all their mattresses and just covered their entire livingroom floor, legitimately from wall to wall, and slept the best we could. haha. We also found a cute little 50s dinner so we went and got real american milkshakes!
The next morning (sunday) we went to the general session of conference which was a special broadcast for Spain, Portugal, and Cape Verde from church HQ. It was kind of fun to hear some of the general authorities actually speaking in spanish. Gringo spanish is great! And a whole lot easier to understand. Then we were expecting to just go home after that with the family, but apparently they had other plans. Haha. We couldn´t find them after the session so we called them and they told us that they had gone to eat with another family that they knew there and they weren´t going home until 6 ish. So we said ok and told them we´d wait for them in the capilla and get some planning done for this week that we hadn´t had time to do yet. Then the bishop from one of the wards in Sevilla came in and told us that we had to leave so that he could lock up the church. Well, we explained our situation to him, and he then replied with an invitation to join him and his family for lunch. We accepted of course as we had no where else to go. They were the cutest young little family. They had 3 adorable little kids and we had fun playing with them. We had fish, mashed potatoes, and salad. It was like a normal sunday meal! And then hung at their house and looked at scrapbooks and all that fun stuff (nope, somethings never change in mormon culture) and then the mom took us back to the chuch to meet the family there at 6. One problem, the family wasn´t there, and they didn´t show up until 7:30. So that was fun! We put ourselves to work though and cleaned up all the chairs they had set out for stake conference. Needless to say, we got our workout in for the day. They finally came and then we headed for home.
So yeah, that´s my week. Nothing too exciting, but yep. Haha, sorry it´s nothing grand this week. We´re praying for new investigators this week as the ones we have don´t seem to be progressing at all. We are still going to work with them as much as we can, but some new work would be a great relief for us right now. But I have the best companion and we keep each other entertained and busy, so although it´s a hard area, and the work is rough, we´re happy, most of the time, haha, and working hard.
Well I love you all lots! Good luck in all you do this week and I can´t wait to hear more from you next week!
Hna Walton
1. Our massive hotdogs
2. Our car ride to sevilla (yes, we were really sitting that close together the entire trip, oh european cars!)
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