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May 5
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ALOHA! (Yeah, I know it´s not the right language or country)
Wow, there´s so much to tell you all about this past week! The week of consecration really did bring more miracles than we had imagined and more than we could have asked for. So let´s start with Monday. We had our pday and then we had a lesson with Carla. Haha, oh that girl. She told us that she may or may not be pregnant (that makes 2 investigators that aren´t sure) and asked us if it was ok to use the 5 day pill that will kill any fetus for up to 5 days after "the act". We´re still not sure what happened. Then we had FHE with a member family that night. It´s the family of our branch mission leader. They´re great! Love them! We were supposed to have a few investigators there with us, but it didn´t work out, but that was ok. We had a lot of fun playing games together and sharing our favorite scriptures.
Tuesday we went to Cáceres for our district meeting that morning. Then we came back and headed out to work. We had our first few citas fall through, but we found 2 new futures! So we´re hoping something will come from that. Then we went to Jack and Teresa´s house (they´re menos activos) and had an awesome lesson with them! We´re hoping they might actually start progressing for reals this time. We´ll see. Then we had a cita with Gladis were we set another fecha with her. It´s not a for sure thing, but at least it´s a fecha.
Speaking of fechas, I´m hoping you all remember Carmen, the little girl we baptized in Murcia, well her parents finally got married about 2 weeks ago and that Dad is getting baptized in 2 day!!!!!! Oh my gosh I am so excited! I couldn´t be more thrilled! I honestly was a little worried when we baptized Carmen that the parents weren´t going to keep going and that we would just have her go inactive, but things aren´t seeming to turn out that way! The Lord is definitely blessing the people here!
Wednesday we met a new investigator that morning. His name is Manolo, he was the guy that stopped us on the street last week. We had a very interesting lesson with him and a member. Haha, the member is an older man and he ended up talking more than we did. We didn´t really teach anything and the member talked about everything from the word of wisdom to baptisms for the dead to how we have to be married to make it to exaltation, oh man, haha, it was an interesting lesson, but it was definitely inspired that he was there as the investigator asked him if he would come to the next lesson as well. We went to Dani´s house for lunch (our branch mission leader) and then came home for a short rest and then right back out. We always go visit with some older people in a residency home on wednesdays so we went and did that, and then we had some good citas. We had a cita with another new investigator, Aya. She´s from Africa. She came to church on sunday and says she wants to come to our church every sunday so we´re excited about that! Then we went and visited with a member names Cristina and her 6 year old son Jeremy. Cristina is finally getting her patriarchal blessing this weekend! We´re so excited! And Jeremy, oh I love that kid. He´s so sweet. One of the older missionaries gave him the picture book of the book of mormon and while my comp and Cristina sat there talking, Jeremy asked my to read to him a bunch of stories, of which he was very interested in every single one of them and then he asked me to read the birth of Christ, the Christmas story to him too. Oh my gosh! That kid! He said the cutest thing! He was talking about faith that other people had and he said, "I hope I have enough faith someday to see Christ. I don´t right now, I´m only at level 1 and I have to get to level 5, but I want faith like that someday." It melted my heart! The things we can learn from little kids. It´s incredible!
Thursday morning we had weekly planning and then we went out and taught Mariana and Marta, the 2 new investigators that we picked up last sunday. It went pretty well. They can feel the spirit, but they´re just not realizing it yet I don´t think. Then we went to a Primary activity and taught the kids about mission life and how it all works. After we went and got some ice cream because no one came to english class and then we went and taught Flor. She´s a member and she asked us to be her visiting techers because she didn´t have any. I love her to death and we´re trying to help her with some things. She´s great! She´s Brazilian.
Friday morning we were supposed to have another cita with Aya, but she ended up having to go to the hopsital, so that didn´t work out. After waiting for a while to see if she would come because we didn´t know, we had to go catch a bus to Mérida to go eat with a member, Petri. Love her! She´s so sweet! We had fun talking with her. Then we had a meeting with Dani to plan our activity for the next day, and then we had a Girl´s night with the YSA members in our branch. We made cookies and other things and talked and we were going to watch a movie (don´t worry, it would´ve been mission appropriate) but we didn´t end up having time before we had to be back in piso. But we had so much fun with them!
Saturday morning we went way out in the boonies of a pueblo to go teach a future that we got from the elders in Sevilla. We finally found someone, Dani, to take us out there in his car. So we drove and hour and 15 minutes to get all the way out to their house. The kid´s name was José, he´s 21 years old. His entire family was there too, so we ended up teaching a family of 5 from Bolivia. José made us lunch, and we sat and chatted and got to know each other. They´re a way cool family! They definitely didn´t know how mission life works as they invited us to stay the night and have a BBQ with them the next day. Haha, obviously we couldn´t but it was nice of them to invite us! We´re really excited about teaching them. It stinks that they´re so far away, but they said they were willing to come to us, so that´s always a good sign. Most of all the parents were so excited! That´s the coolest part! Because I wasn´t sure what was going to happen, but that was out biggest miracle this week, that family. Then we had an activity later that night and we had a menos activo come. His name is Chema. He´s only been a member for 2 or 3 years and he´s super cool! He´s 22 years old and we had fun with him and we had a lesson with him yesterday as well. We´re working hard with him, he´s definitely "rescue"able.
So that´s been our week. It was a really good one! Lots of really good inspiring stuff and even more miracles! It made me feel so good to have that probably be my last real week in Badajoz. Transfer calls come in this week and we´re pretty sure I´ll be heading off to another area. I´ll let you know on Sunday what´s happening. This week we´re emailing today, but we´ll be in Sevilla on friday for zone conference and a zone pday , then we´ll travel back saturday morning and work saturday night, sunday we get to SKYPE!!!!! and we´re having a branch movie night right after that and then it´ll be pday again. And if I leave then I´ll leave tuesday night/wednesday morning, so I basically have only a few real days left in Badajoz.
Oh Badajoz, it´s been a good area. It´s a hard area, but it´s were I´ve seen the most miracles. I´ve honestly become a missionary here. Of course I´m not a perfect missionary, but I´ve learned how to deal with just about every situation here, haha. Yeah, I´m ready to leave, but I will always love Badajoz, the people, and especially the crazy members, even with all their quirks and imperfections.
Well thank you all for your love! I can´t wait to talk to you on sunday. For those reading this that I won´t talk to on sunday, Happy Mother´s Day! Love you all!
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