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4:18 AM (11 hours ago)
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Hey Fam!
So it was a pretty good week. We played some fútbol and volleyball last week for pday and it was so fun! I actually really like fútbol I´m finding. It´s a crazy spanish thing, or maybe it´s my young soccer days coming out again, but it´s actually pretty fun!
So on Tuesday we had intercambios. I was with Hermana Miller and we found a few really good miracles! The first was when we passed by the house of an antiguo investigator and he wasn´t there, but his wife (Macarena) and her brother (Paco) were, and they let us in and we talked to them and they are so cool and so prepared! It was a really cool experience to teach them. We haven´t been able to see them since, but we´re trying to get back there and see where this goes. Fingers crossed! Then we had another cita later that night with a menos activo (Michael) and his friend (Mike) and we were able to answer a lot of the friend´s questions and help him understand. He´s still got a lot of questions, but he definitely has a lot of potential as well.
Wednesday morning we finished our intercambios and we knocked a lot of doors of futures and antiguos and menos activos. A few of them told us to come back another time. Especially one of them who told us to come back later that day. His name is Jose and we went back later with me and my comp. He´s the son of an antiguo investigator and he´s so cool! He´s tattooed from his neck down, but he´s so cool and so open! So we picked him up as well as a new investigator.
Later we had english class and we taught our investigator Maria again. She´s so in need of the gospel and wants to listen, she just really has no time whatsoever. So that´s kind of hard. We squeeze every minute out of her that we can when she´s there for english class. And sometimes she stays for the noche de hogar that´s after, too.
Thursday we planned in the morning for this week and then we had citas with the Patar family, and we´re getting closer and closer to getting them married! Then we went and saw a member family and tried to get some references from them...they´re working on it. And then we saw Mike and Michael again. Mike got his Book of Mormon and hopefully will start reading. We´ll see him again tomorrow and see how it went.
We had coordination with our new ward mission leader that we´re so excited about! He´s seriously incredible! His name is Ramon and he used to be an evangelical pastor, but the missionaries kind of ripped him a new one and a year later he got baptized. Haha. He´s so cool! He has one of the strongest desires to be a member missionary and you can just tell that he loves this work. We´re so excited to be able to work with him.
Friday night we were walking around knocking some more doors and we walked past a frutería (a fruit shop) and we both got really hungry for fruit. So we made a stop, and lo and behold, more than fruit was waiting inside for us. But a new investigator as well. The man that owns the shop asked who we were and we were able to explain a little to him and then to teach him a little. His name is Antonio. We´re really excited about him, too. He´s a little crazy, but that´s nothing abnormal for a spanish man. :)
Saturday we went and visited with MariPaz and Silvia in the morning, they are both menos activas. They´re progressing slowly, but that´s ok. At least it´s something. Then we went to the Patar family later and then to a combined ward talent show. It was very entertaining. We had fun there.
Yesterday we had a good day in church and then went to a young couple´s piso to eat. They´re so cute! He´s spanish and she´s italian and they have the cutest little 9 month old girl and she´s just the most adorable thing ever!
So we had some really good things happen this week and we´re getting the work going a little more, which is nice. It´s still rough, but we´re getting there.
Well it looks like we´re playing fútbol again for pday and that´ll be fun! Thank goodness it´s not way cold here. It´s been really windy the last few days, but it doesn´t seem to get extremely cold. It´s been in the 40´s 50´s lately. At least I think that´s what it would convert to in Farenheit. I´m not sure. But yeah. Haha, Well I love you all! Have a great week! Talk to you next week!
Hna Walton
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