Here it is... last email from Spain!! can't wait to have her home!
Feliz Navidad
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4:26 AM (8 hours ago)
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Wow, can you believe it? It has come down to my last email. For the last time as a missionary i will be writing home, sharing experiences, and telling you how much I love you all. This is such a strange experience for me. I honestly do not feel like it´s really happening. I had a moment that lasted about 10 seconds when I was leaving church on Sunday, but just as fast as it came, it was gone. Maybe it´s just being used to being here, but even though I know I´ll see you all this week, my mind and my heart don´t really comprehend it.
Ok, well we´ll start out with talking about this last week. So on Tuesday we had district meeting in the morning and then we went to our ward mission leader´s house for lunch. His sweet wife gave us little christmas presents! She is just the sweetest! And then we got back to Málaga a lot later than we thought we would (he lives in a pueblo called Torremolinos) and got back to work. We had a cita later that night with a menos activa named Nataliya. She´s a really strong member from Ucraine, but is menos activa because she works almost every Sunday. So that´s hard, and we´re trying to keep her strong, we´ll see how that goes.
Wednesday we ate lunch with Soledad and Antonio like we do every wednesday, and the rest of the day was spent walking around and trying to find some antiguos or futures or anyone that would talk to us...sadly, no luck. But that´s ok!
Thursday we did weekly planning in the morning and then we had intercambios that afternoon. It was so much fun! I got to be with Hna Bangeter, a friend of mine from the MTC that I haven´t seen for a while, so that was really fun to be able to see her and spend a day with her. We visited a few of their investigators and did our best to find our way around, as she´s only been in her area for a week, so we got lost a few times and had to whip out the map, but we made it through the day just fine.
Friday morning I was still with Hna Bangeter, and then we switched back at medio día. Then we had an eating cita, then we had coordination with our ward mission leader, and then we had our ward christmas party. It was not so well put together, so things didn´t work out so well. But at least the food was good!
Saturday we had an eating cita and then we had a few citas with MariPaz and then with Luisa (a member). It was strange to have to say goodbye and to have to leave another area. It´s really a strange thing.
Sunday we had church, of course, and then we found a new investigator named Carmen. We talked to her in the street and we´ll hopefully be able to see her again tomorrow morning. Then we also had a cita with Michael. Oh, Michael, he´s crazy, but he actually came to church this week! So that was so nice!
Monday we had our tri-zone chrismas conference. It was so much fun and such a good conference. We had great tallers and there was a talent show and we had good food, and it was so much fun to be with the missionaries like that one last time. When we came home from that we had to meet our Dueño (land lord?) because our washer is broken...but...we had forgotten the we had to wait for the elders to save us. It was a big hassle though. Luckily we finally got in and we´re going to have a new washer! On friday...looks like I´ll be going to a laundromat to wash my clothes this week, haha. But then we had a cita with the Patar family and then with the mom of a menos activo boy named Saul. He´s 12 years old and got baptized a few years ago. We got to meet her and shared a short message with her. She´s not super open to the gospel, but she definitely has potential.
Well, I honestly wish I could put in words all the things that I have learned in the mission. I wish I could tell you everything I´ve felt and heard and learned. It´s an incredibly different and hard experience, but it is an incredible one, too. I am so thankful that a mission was part of the plan my Heavenly Father had for me. If nothing else, I have been converted to this gospel. I know that I have a Savior who loves me, I know him more than ever before and I am so grateful for the blessings and strength He has given me. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of Jesus Christ, restored again on the earth in His great love and mercy for His children. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and I know He lives.
I just want to thank all of you individually for your love and support and letters and emails and packages and prayers and everything you have done for me during this time. I´m grateful for you all and the blessing you have been to me. Thank you for everything! I can´t wait to see you all on Skype this thursday and then to give you all a huge hug this saturday. I love you with my whole heart! Thank you again! See you this weekend!
Signing off for the last time,
Hermana Walton