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Paige's mission
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Dec 15 (7 days ago)
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Wow, can you believe it? It´s come down to just one more email. Well, at least there´s still that...for now. I can´t wait to see you all! But I will also dearly miss my time as a missionary and especially the incredible people that I have met and grown to love. But I´m not done yet, so I´m not going to make myself cry.
So! We still haven´t moved yet, we´re in the process of looking for a new piso. We think we´ve found one, but it´s not finalized yet, so we´re not sure. We´ll hopefully know this week. Secretly I´m hoping that it takes longer to find one so that I don´t have to move before I leave and have to pack up twice, but I´ll do whatever. Haha.
Things are going well in a trio. It definitely has it´s perks, like that fact that we can go into any house at anytime. That´s really nice. But there are things that are hard, too. But we´re doing just fine. Hna Becerra is from Bolivia and lives in Barcelona. She´s really sweet. So things are going well on the companionship front.
Let´s see...what happened this week. Well with transfers we had Hna Pérez come stay with us on tuesday afternoon and then she stayed the night with us because she couldn´t get to her next area quite yet, and her companion had also left the area to pick up her new greenie comp. So we went to the Patar´s house and had a little birthday party for Lucas, one of the sons. That was fun. They are such incredibly humble and sweet people! I love them so much! I wish getting them married wasn´t such a hastle. But that darn Satan always seems to wiggle his way in there right when we think we´ve found the answer. But we´ll keep trying.
Wednesday we dropped off Hna Perez and picked up Hna Becerra and then we had noche de hogar in the church.
Thursday we picked up two new investigators, Juan Antonio and Francis. They are roommates and both from spain, but are very different in age. But they seem to be interested, so we´re excited to be able to work with them. Then we went and met a member who has to work almost every weekend so she can hardly ever come to church, but she´s so sweet! Her name is Nataliya, she´s from Ukraine and she´s so humble and sweet.
Friday we had some really good citas as well and we also did a little of piso hunting to try to find a place to live, haha. I´ll let you know what happens next week.
Saturday we were supposed to play fútbol but we got rained out. It´s been raining all weekend long. Rain + cold + skirt = COLD SISTER MISSIONARIES!!!!! haha, but we´re surviving. We had some good citas that afternoon though, too. So things are going a little better in the area. It´s still slow, but it´s slowly picking up a little, too.
Yesterday we had church and then made brownies for a member´s birthday. We had to go out to a pueblo to visit her and bring them to her. We were there waiting for the bus and all of the sudden my companion had to go to the bathroom REALLY bad, so we sprinted (literally) back to their house so she could use the bathroom. This made us miss the bus and then we had to wait for the other bus, and we ended up spending the entire afternoon waiting for the bus to come and take us home.
Oh hey! I hope the missionaries there have done a good job of promoting this video and that you´ve all already seen it, but there is a new video for christmas from the church called "He is the Gift". You can find it at christmas.mormon.org and it´s really short, like 3 minutes, but so powerful. I invite you all to watch it and to share in on facebook and to invite others to watch it. Enjoy it and feel the power of Christ in your life during this christmas season. He really is the gift.
Well, I love you all! I hope you have a great week and I hope to hear from you all one last time next week. Love you!
Hna Walton
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