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Sep 29 (1 day ago)
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Buenas! (the common spanish greeting...)
Well, we had a good week. A little slower than would have been nice, but that´s alright. That´s misisonary work for ya. Haha. We did have some really good things happen though, too. We have a part member family that we´re teaching. The kids are all members and the parents want to get baptized, and they are working on getting married so that they can be. It was a little strange though because the Dad would always come to church but he would never show up to our citas, and this week we finally got to teach him! It was so nice! He´s got a few things he´s got to understand, we´re going to have to start over with him, but it´s so cool how excited they are to get baptized and how much they really just want to do it. They´re from Romania and they´re waiting for a paper from there and then they can get married, so hopefully that will happen soon.
We also got a new investigator this week who is really cool. Her name is Ana. She´s 17 and she was a refernce from one of her friends who is serving a mission in Greece right now. So she already has that connection to the church and she knows a little bit and she´s so open! She´s really cool. Sadly she didn´t end up coming to church yesterday, but she really is just incredible! We´re really grateful to be able to teach her.
We also had a tri-zone conference on Friday with President Deere and a whole bunch of missionaries which was really fun. President gave a really cool taller on the atonement and it really helped me to understand it better. It´s crazy how much you learn in the mission. Simple things that you thought you understood, you realize they have so much depth to them and that you really are only just beginning to understand it. But that was a really fun conference and it was fun to see some friends that I hadn´t seen for a while.
I had to give a talk yesterday in church. It was interesting...I guess it went well. Haha. I didn´t have much time so it was a little rushed in preparation, but it turned out fine.
I really am not sure what to write about this week. Haha. Sorry, it´s a lame one. We just didn´t have that much going on this week. We did a lot of walking and door knocking and not much came from it, but we´re trying to get the area going a little more.
I do have to say that I´m so incredibly excited for general conference this weekend, though! It´s almost better than Christmas for a missionary! I just love general conference with my whole heart. I´m excited to see what it has for us this time. Something cool President Deere always invites us to do is to write down one or two or however many questions that you want and then pray about them and ask to receive an answer during conference. I invite you all to do it, too. It really works. That´s the coolest part about conference, I think. It´s always brings personal revelation.
Well, I hope all is well there at home. I love you all! Thank you for being in my life! Have a great week!
Hna Walton
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