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Oct 6
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Hey Fam!
Well, yet another week here in Málaga. It´s very different than what I had imagined I was coming to. We really don´t have much work at all right now. We spend a lot of time in the streets walking around, knocking doors, trying to find old futures or antiguo investigators, it´s not doing much for us though. But that´s ok. I´ve been through it before, and we´re going to get through it again.
So the week started out in an interesting way, haha. We went to a noche de hogar at a member´s house and got some references and we´ll see where that goes. I´ll let you know if something happens. So we shared the message and then we ate and then we went home and when we woke up the next day we were both just feeling really strange. It was not good. As the morning went on we just kept feeling worse and worse until we decided it was better for us just to stay in that day. Haha, so we watched lots of movies (mission appropriate ones of course) and slept a lot.
Wednesday we had an eating cita with this adorable older couple. They´re so cute! She´s one of the first members here in Málaga and he´s not a member. But they´re hilarious and we had so much fun with them. Then we had english class that night and then noche de hogar which was really fun. We played scripture jeapordy which was interesting but fun.
Thursday we had a really strange cita. Haha, we went to a family´s house were all the kids are members and the parents are trying to get married so they can get baptized. But we went over there and we were just expecting a normal lesson, but all the sudden it was them and all of their family and we were all eating and it was strange because they were all speaking romanian because that´s where they´re from. I felt like a new missionary all over again, I had no idea what to do! And I couldn´t understand them. It was so interesting. We tried to talk to some of them, but then they all just disappeared into the kitchen. At least the kids stayed and talked with was just strange.
Friday we had district meeting and my comp and I gave a taller (talk) about the baptismal interview and how to prepare our investigators for it. That evening we had english class and there was one guy that was there and he was telling us all these places he´s traveled to, it just made me want to visit everywhere! I hope I´ll get the chance one day. And then halfway through another lady came in and we were talking about traveling and all that and she just starts ripping on the US and how she thinks it´s not a civilized country and all that. Haha, it was actually just pretty funny. Some people will believe anything they watch on tv, especially the bad stuff.
Luckily we had so much good to watch on tv this weekend! Oh conference! I love it so much! I especially love it as a missionary, it was sad to think this was my last one. But I really loved the women´s session. I think that was my favorite part this time. But it was so much fun! Watching it with all the missionaries. We watched in english but ran back and forth between that and spanish for the native spanish speakers. That was so cool to be able to hear them speak in spanish.
So between one of the sessions I went on splits with the sister training leaders and we taught a lesson to their recent convert who had just gone to the temple the day before. He´s this sweet, humble man from Nigeria and I have never felt the spirit more strongly in a lesson. His experience at the temple was incredible and he just was so converted and prepared and you could just tell the testimony he had was so deeply rooted inside of him. It was really cool to see. It was one of those moments that I remembered the reason I´m here.
So how´d everyone´s answers in general conference go? I got mine. It´s a cool thing, personal revelation. There are so many great blessings we have, and I think that´s one of the coolest. An opportunity for us to be able to personally receive answers from God. It shows just how much he really does care about us, that he knows our problems and that He will take the time to answer us when we´ve done our part to ask.
Well, I love you all lots! Have a great week! Keep working hard and know that I love you! Talk to you next week!
Hna Walton
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