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Oct 20 (1 day ago)
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Welp, believe it or not. This week is my 15 month mark as a missionary. Oh my gosh that´s a long time! It´s so crazy! It´s been an interesting 15 months, full of laughs and giggles and crying and chocolate, haha. No, it´s been good. Thank goodness once you get away from the bad, all your left with are the good memories.
But we do have some exciting news this week! Do you remember Ana, the 17 year old investigator that was a reference from her missionary friend in Greece? Well we set a fecha with her! For now it´s the 8th of November, but it will probably have to be moved because we forgot that was the weekend of Stake Conference -- way to go hermanas! Haha, woops! But she really is incredible! She can be a little flojo and hard to get in touch with sometimes, but our citas with her are always super incredible!
So let´s see...we finally figured out what´s up with my comp! We went to the pedoligist´s office and she had Plantar Fasciitis which basically means that the muscle in the foot that gives us and arch has been overworked because of bad walking habits. So what´s the solution? Lots of rest...haha, oh well. We´re going on intercambios this week so that will be good to finally get us some good work.
I had to give yet another taller in District Meeting this week. Haha, I guess I´m getting my fill in now so that I don´t have to do it later. No, it was fine. I just don´t think I´ve ever given more than one or two in an area before.
So there´s really only one thing to talk about if we spent almost another whole week in piso. FOOD! Haha, we made some really good burritos yesterday and they were so good! We were not expecting them to turn out so well, but they were delicious! We also had a member family bring us food and the Dad was a chef so that was really good food. We also ate a lot of bananas at coordination meeting this week. Haha, long story, but yes, it happened.
We also had a really cool experience last night! We went to a park and were waiting for our menos activo to come so we could teach him. And we go to sit down on the bench and what´s sitting right there beside us? A HUGE SWAN! It was so big! And it was just sitting there, so we went and took pictures with it. Then another one that was in the water hopped out and joined his friend on the sidewalk. So what else would we do with out new-found friends besides give them names! We named them Gus and Julie. There were also 2 more in the water that wouldn´t do anything besides eat, so we named them after our little brothers...Elliot and Henry. Haha. Sorry guys, no hard feelings. :)
What else do we do in piso when there´s nothing else to do? Well, movie marathons of course! We made a movie marathon of the life pf Kirby Heybourne. It starts with The Singles Ward (pre-misison life) then The Best 2 Years (his mission), then the RM (post-mission), then the Singles Ward 2 (more post mission) and finally One Good Man (his life in the future). Haha. Oh man, it was interesting. We really were just so bored. But that´s ok.
So this week is an exciting week for us as a mission. We´re doing another week of finding. Our goal has been upped a little more than last time. This week we have a goal of 888 new investigators (9 per companionship). We´ve got some good plans for the week and some intercambios and member splits and all that good stuff planned, so it´s looking like it will turn into hopefully a better week with some good work. It´s also sad though because this is my last week with Hna Andrus. Yep, that´s right, another transfer has come and gone and we´ll be receiving transfer calls this weekend. It´s always a hard thing, but it can also really be a good thing. I´ll let you all know what the future holds for me next week.
Love you all! Have the best week!
Hermana Walton
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