Happy 4th of July
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Jun 30 (10 days ago)
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Hey there Fam! How´s everything going over there in the US of A? I´m hoping there are some great things planned for the 4th of July! I´ll be glad to be home for holidays like that soon enough.
Well, first I have to share a miracle story. Last week we had a contact-off in our district to see who could find the most futures in the week. So we were talking about things and the hermanas in the other ward were feeling kind of crappy about their numbers and they decided they were going to do out in the street right then and find a miracle to invite in to family home evening. The first girl they contacted was a girl named Sonia. She´s 18 and she´s from Ecuador and has a little 7 month old baby. She talked to them and she agreed to come with them so they came back inside with a miracle! It was incredible. She ended up living in our area so we got to start teaching her. We went over to have our first cita and she had her friend over and both of their boyfriends. We asked if she wanted to invite them to come listen and the friend said she´d come out. Her name is Eliane and she´s from Bolivia and she 17. So we picked up 2 investigators that day and they are amazing! We taught them about the book of mormon and then the restauration and the second lesson we invited them to be baptized and they said yes! They have baptismal dates for the 2nd of August. And we´re so excited! They´re awesome! Sadly they didn´t come to church yesterday, but we´re working on it.
We also got to go to the dedication of a new area/capilla that they opened up this transfer in a little pueblo outside of Cartagena called Mazarrón. It was really cool to see the work moving forward and see new places receive missionaries and it was really fun to see. I loved being there as history is being made in little Mazarrón.
We also picked up another new investigator this week that has some promise. Her name is Carmen and she´s also from Bolivia. She is here alone with her little boy who I believe is 5 years old. She soaked up everything we told her and was very excited about the Book of Mormon. We´ll see where it goes, but I think she has a lot of potential.
Anyway, this week we´re going to go to Mazarrón with all of the missionaries from Cartagena and members and things like that and we´re going to try to help get things going there. We´ll do that on friday. Oh! And there´s also this really fun thing that they do here called la cena de verano (the summer dinner) where all the members come to the church friday night with their food and we all each together and just talk and have fun. It´s every friday night from last week through September. It´s nice to have something fun like that to do and to invite investigators to that´s not too intimidating for them.
Well, I hope you all enjoy your 4th of July! Have an awesome week! I love you all!
Hermana Walton
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