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10:38 AM (23 hours ago)
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Welp, yet another week here in Cartagena! It was kind of a rough week. We had a lot of things fail on us and we didn´t end up getting nearly as much as we wanted done. But that´s ok, we started this week with a lot of really great miracles!
So last Tuesday we had a tri-zone conference with President Deere and a whole bunch of missionaries and it was so much fun! I got to see a lot of friends that I´ve served with before and that was nice. I got to see Hna Flake for the last time before she goes home. That was weird. I cannot believe she´s coming home in a few weeks! That was really strange for me. But it was also really fun to see her and to able to have her here with me during something so big as the experience of a mission. Sadly, I forgot my camera so I wasn´t able to take pictures with the people that I really wanted to, but that´s ok. I´ll see them after the mission. It was a really good conference though. We talked about "Dos Veces en Blanco" or Two Times in White and how important it is to get our investigators not only to baptism but to the temple too. Our work isn´t to get them baptized, we should fight to bring them the eternal blessings of the temple as well.
I don´t know if you remember Pepe from last week, but we found him again this week and he didn´t actually leave and go home! He´s staying here for a while so we´re excited about that and maybe we can make something happen with him. Or at least get hime "active" in activities and things like that.
We also taught a member family that I love to death how to make brownies. Surprise! They really do love them oh so much!
We also picked up a new area to work in from the Elders area. We rearranged our areas a little bit and we picked up the old part of the city! They´re the best parts! It´s the part of the city that makes you actually feel like you´re in Europe and it´s beautiful! We also now have the port in our area! Oh my gosh we are very excited! haha. We worked there all Saturday night and just sat by the ocean and watched the boats pass by as we made a whole bunch of phone calls. We did find some miracles. We found 2 southamerican families. We haven´t been able to get back in contact with them yet, but we´re working on it. Families are the best!
We also had a really big miracle yesterday. We went and passed by an old investigator and we were able to teach her. She´s a young spanish woman. She´s married (big deal) and they just lost their little girl a few months ago. We taught her about the plan of salvation and it was one of the most spiritual lessons I´ve even been in. It was incredible. We asked her to pray to be able to feel the love of Heavenly Father and to know if what we were telling her is true and we´re going by tomorrow to see how it all went. She´s so sweet and needs the peace the gospel can bring her so badly in her life! We´re really excited to be able to teach her and help her find that peace.
We also got a new ward mission leader yesterday. We´re really excited! As much as I love our old ward mission leader, he really didn´t understand his purpose so we´re excited to hopefully be able to get things going with him. The crazy part? He´s a recent convert! He´s been baptized for less than a year, but he´s incredible! His name is Victor and we love him to death! We´re so excited to work with him!
Oh I do have to tell you though, I found out that one of the members from Badajoz passed away on Friday. His name is Antonio Martinez. He was the sweetest man and he worked so hard! He has cancer for the last little while and it finally just took him. It´s hard because he was such a good man and was doing so much good, but I guess the Lord needs more men like him on the other side.
Anyway, that´s my week for you. Things are going good, a little slower, but good. It´s just such a blessing to know that Heavenly Father is in charge and not us.
Oh! We also got news today from our President that a General Authority is coming in November and our mission is going to be considered for iPads! So maybe I´ll get to see how mission life with an iPad is at the end of my mission, even if it is only for a month or two. That would still be way fun! Oh how much easier it would make our lives! Haha.But I never thought I was going to see the day. Watch it actually happen right as I leave, I wouldn´t be too surprised.
Well I love you all! Have an awesome week and keep working hard! Os amo con todo mi corazón y siempre estáis conmigo. Que disfrutéis de la semana! Hablaremos la semana que viene.
Hermana Walton
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