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Hola! Como estáis todos?
Well we had a pretty good week. We had a lot of citas fail on us, but we still had some pretty good ones, too. So it was ok,
Well we are working now with a really cute girl named Xiomara. She got baptized about a year ago in ward 2 and once she moved to our ward she went inactive. She´s from Bolivia and is 18 years old. She´s really sweet and I love her! We are going to use her to help us with our investigator Sonia as well. Sonia is the one that has a fecha. We´re hoping that it will give both of them someone their age there at church and that they can help each other out.
As for Sonia, we lost contact for about a week. Her phone broke and when we could get a hold of her and set citas she wouldn´t end up being there. But we finally got back in touch with her over the weekend. She was going to come to church but then her little boy got sick and she had to take him to the ER. We have another cita with her tonight though and I really do just love her. When we asked if we could do anything for her all she said was to come by more often and oh my gosh it just reminded me of how much I love her! She really is incredible!
We also had a really cool miracle this week. We were sitting on the steps outside of a menos activo´s house waiting for him and someone walked up to us and started talking in english to us. Normally I kind of just ignore people that talk in english because they have no idea what they´re saying, but he started talking about things about the church and then in spanish explained that he knew a lot about the church. He´s from Venezuela and he had apparently talked to the missionaries there for about 2 years. He was here visiting his wife and his son, but lives somewhere else. He came to our FHE in the church on Wednesday and it was such a miracle! Sadly he went back today, but he did say that he was grateful that he found us. It had been a while since he´d been to church or talked to the missionaries and he was going to try to look for the church again where he lives now. He´s so cool! His name is Francisco (Pepe).
Thursday the Stake President invited us all (all the missionaries in Cartagena) to eat. We went to the church and he made us all Paella and we had fun and chatted and just hung out. Then he shared a message about how even if we feel like we are doing nothing, those are usually the missionaries that make all the difference in an area. That was nice to hear as I feel like I´ve just been a "seed-planting" missionary. Which I´m fine with, but it would always be nice to feel like your seeds will grow.
So for the 4th of July we had a fun day! We had district meeting in the morning and then we had a zone BBQ. We did hamburgers and hotdogs and all the american classics. My comp and I made chocolate chip cookies and potato salad. We also had baked beans and watermelon and then peach cobbler, ice cream, and brownies. We had a lot of fun singing American songs and just having a good time. After that we headed out to a pueblo to do a cosecha. All of the missionaries from Cartagena (16 of us) and then some members, we went on splits and went contacting to find some futures. They just opened up this pueblo this transfer so we were trying to help the elders there find some good work. My comp and I found a really promising one and a few not so promising ones. Haha. it was rough because it´s right by the ocean so not very many people were home or in the streets, just all at the beach. But that´s ok. Then we all headed back to the cena de verano where we got to hang out some more with the members and just relax a little after the long day. Haha. It wasn´t an all-american 4th of July, but it was still pretty fun.
Well there you are! It was a pretty good week. And I hope you all know how much I love you! Thanks for being the best! Have an awesome week!
Hermana Walton
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