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Jun 16
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Hey there!
Well, this week was another hard week. I feel like we always had something to do, but we really just didn´t get much done. It was kind of a weird feeling, but we had a really good day yesterday to make up for it.
We had a really good lesson tuesday night with a menos activo and his grandma. That family has a little bit of everything. It has active members, non-members, menos activos, old investigators, people who don´t want to listen, all of it! But I love that family! It´s so much fun to be with them! We´re going to their house tonight again and we´ll see how it goes.
We also had intercambios this week. So on wednesday during medio día I headed out and went to Alicante to be with Hna Heaton, an hna from my group. It was so much fun to be with her and to see her again! Alicante is beautiful, too! We had fun together!
That morning before I left we had a really good lesson too. We taught an Investigator named Alicia that we hadn´t seen for a while because her daughter has been sick. But we finally got to see her again. I just love her! And she loves us, too! She soaks in everything we say and is just awesome! She´s not quite ready to really make any commitments as she´s not sure that she believes that there´s one church that has the whole truth, but we´re going to keep working with her.
I headed back to Cartagena on Thursday during medio día and we went home and then had a cita with Neli and Juanito, the older couple that had fechas. We´re working really hard with them. They really do know it´s true, and they want to get baptized, but Juanito isn´t in a physical state right now where he´s well enough to come to church, and we´re not sure that´s going to change anytime soon, so we´re going to work with the Bishop and the Stake President to see what we can do.
We also had a Relief Society activity this week and we went and watched a movie called How Rare a Possession which was pretty cool and ate and all that fun stuff. I made brownies. And of course, spaniards will always love them. Haha, we had someone actually come to the activity, too! That was nice! It´s this really sweet menos activo that we have. Her name is Lydia, she´s from Ghana and I love her to death! We had a lesson with her last night as well and oh my gosh! She´s incredible! She bore out her heart to us and just wants to change so badly and be a better person and come back to church! She´s in the process of having a sinus operation so she can´t come, but she wants to so badly! And I just love her so much!
Honestly, it wasn´t the best week work-wise, but we did have some awesome lessons! And this week is going to be an awesome week!
We had a family history activity on saturday and that was way cool to go to! In case you didn´t know familysearch has a goal for the year, that every member finds one name that they can bring to the temple this year. Can you imagine what it would be like if every member found one name? Please do it! And get an extra one for me because I can´t. I´ve been really thinking about family history work and temple work lately. I´m so grateful that that´s something the church has. It´s such an important part of the gospel and I love it! Take advantage of it! Go to the temple and be able to bring your own names! It´s an amazing way to feel closer to the Savior.
So I finally got to see the beach today! Well the water at least, it was actually a port, so no sand. But we went to an old military museum today and then went to eat and it was right next to the water. It was so fun to see! So pretty! It´s weird to be so close and not be able to touch it, but that´s ok, one day soon.
Well, I love you all! Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I hope you all have an awesome week and eat some birthday cake for me, ok? Love you!
Hermana Walton
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